Wednesday, July 20, 2011

|| the striped shirt ||

thanks MATCHBOOK for highlighting one of my all time faves
I could never ever get sick of wearing striped shirts....
it's been my signature uniform ever since I can remember.
A good friend told me the other day that her love of stripes came from me
and I couldn't have been more excited....
Here's to a lifetime of those perfect horizontal lines.

Friday, February 18, 2011

|| conversation heart trail mix ||

we threw a little valentines day party this year...
complete with conversation heart trail mix, heart shaped pb&j's,
fancy love potion, party favors and cupid himself,
delivering love notes of course...mwah!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

|| valentines oh eleven ||

busy life = no time to make the valentines day cards of my dreams...
but there was time for felt hearts, a little stitching and lots of love.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

|| quick wrap ||

i don't usually buy wrapping paper...
mostly because it's fun to create something with what I have.
I didn't give myself enough time to create a masterpiece but
some anthropologie tissue paper, scissors, a leftover snowflake 
and a trip to my ribbon box worked quite nicely for a last minute quick wrap.